- Calendars, diaries 2019
- Christmas
- Gifts
- In 3 days
- Items with full colour print - Be Creative
- Office
- Textile
- Work clothes and tools
- Electro, flash drives
- Household
- Leisure
- Promotional bags
Printed matter and presentation materials
Printed matter - Beverages
- Advertising sweets
- Special events
- Pre deti
- Top Brands
- Advertising food
- Novinky
Maloobchod nerealizujeme
Maloobchodný predaj nerealizujeme a preto si pri objednávkach do 60€ účtujeme manipulačný poplatok.
Zvýhodnená cena dopravy
Dopravu realizujeme pomocou kuriéra. Cena dopravy sa odvíja od hmotnosti balíka. Viď tabuľka.
máme pre vás darček
Získajte darček vo forme poukážky do nákupného centra Avion, použitelný na úhradu Vášho nákupu.
- Printed matter and presentation materials
- Printed matter
Printed matter
Tlačoviny a prezentačné materiály
Realizujeme ofsetovú a digitálnu tlač
Objednávkou digitálnej a ofsetovej tlače získate mimoriadnu kvalitu prevedenia dokumentov.
Letáky, brožúry, katalógy
Rollupy a bannerové
Bloky a hlavičkové
Obálky a foldre
Note-it, magnetické
bločky na ladničku
Nálepky - Samolepky,
Pozvánky, darčekové poukazy,
Etikety na víno
Grafické podklady
V prípade, ak máte vlastný dizajn,
je potrebné dodať nám tlačové PDF.
Ak vlastný dizajn nemáte, vieme
vám ho za poplatok pripraviť.
Radi vám naceníme špecialne požiadavky,
ako napríklad: vkladanie, ručné skladanie,
viazanie šnúrkami a pod..
Doprava a doručenie
Tovar vám doručíme kuriérom alebo si
ho možete vyzdvihnut osobne v našej agentúre.
Tovar vieme doručiť diskrétne vo vašom
mene na adresu vášho zákazníka.
Viac o cenách dopravy nájdete tu:
Možnosti a ceny dopravy
Termín dodania
Termín dodania tlače je pri niektorých
produktoch 2 - 3 dni. Zaleží to však na
vyťaženosti tlačiarenských strojov. Preto je
potrebne sa o termine vždy vopred informovať.
Platobné podmienky
Platba v hotovosti, kartou alebo prevodom.
Uvedené ceny sú orientačné bez DPH.
Na každú zakázku vám vytvoríme idividuálnu kalkuláciu.
Ecological certificates
This filter is made up of ecological certificates given by the product manufacturer.
List of ecological certificates given by the manufacturer:
- Better Cotton
- Green Button
- Prevented Ocean Plastic
- Green Passport
- ecovadis
- ISO 14001:2015
- ISO 9001:2015
- RoHS
- Food Safety
- RCS 100
- PVC free
- PFC free
- V-label
- OEKO-TEX 100
- Fairtrade
- Green Brands
- Aware™
Ecological parameters
This filter is made of ecological parameters that our products contain from the manufacturer.
- Recycled material: includes all products that are made from recycled material such as: GRS - certified recycled polyester, material from recycled PET bottles, recycled cotton, recycled leather, recycled cardboard, recycled steel, recycled PET, recycled glass, recycled ABS, recycled denim , recycled HIPS plastic, recycled aluminum, recycled cardboard, recycled nylon, recycled paper, recycled plastic, recycled polyacrylic, recycled polycarbonate (PC), recycled polyurethane (PU), recycled TPE, recycled TPU, recycled material, RPET - recycled polyester, RPP - recycled polypropylene
- Produkty s transparentnou stopou co2:Výrobca týchto produktov sa zaväzuje k transparentnosti v oblasti výpočtu uhlíkovej stopy produktov, ktoré vyrába a predáva. Výpočty emisií CO2 sú založené na životnom cykle produktu, od ťažby surovín až po koniec životnosti. Emisie sú podrobne rozdelené podľa fáz, ako sú výroba, balenie, doprava, energetické využitie a likvidácia. Výpočty sú v súlade so štandardmi ISO 14067:2018 a ISO 14071:2014 a boli overené spoločnosťou Bureau Veritas. Uhlíková stopa sa môže meniť na základe nových informácií a výskumov.
- Products with water saving during production: Products from this collection show a reduction in water consumption compared to a standard product. The main factor behind this reduction is the use of recycled materials. Water is used the most during wet processes (such as dyeing), in the use of chemicals, electricity generation, fuels (for transport and heat generation) and in agriculture. Products from the AWARE™ collection use the AWARE™ tracer tracking technology, which guarantees the authenticity of recycled materials and a confirmed reduction in water consumption. This verification is made possible by physical tracking devices along with blockchain technology.
Bestsellers Printed matter
Desk-Mate® A5 notebook with overlapping boards
SteelMag fridge magnet
Desk-Mate® 1/3 A4 Notebook
Desk-Mate® wire-o A notepad
Poznámkový blok Desk-Mate® wire-o A4
Essential notebook A4 notebook set and pens
Wire-o A4 notebook
Wire-o A5 notepad
Guild A4 Document Case
Poznámkový blok A3 z recyklovaného papiera Desk-Mate®
Poznámkový blok A2 z recyklovaného papiera Desk-Mate®
Desk-Mate® A5 notebook with overlapping boards. White Desk-Mate® A5 Note Pad with Overlapping Plates. Contains 100 (80 g / m2) clean sheets of paper. Decoration is possible on every sheet. Sheet dimensions: 148x210mm. Paper, cardboard.
Parameter: 21 x 14,8 x 0,5 cm
material: paper, cardboard, mix of materials
Color: white, various colors
Decoration: Printing on request
Woofri magnet on fridge
SteelMag fridge magnet
Desk-Mate® 1/3 A4 Notebook
Parameter: 21 x 9,9 x 0,5 cm
material: paper, cardboard, mix of materials
Color: white
Decoration: Printing on request
Desk-Mate® wire-o A notepad
Parameter: 10,5 x 7,4 x 0,5 cm
material: paper
Color: white, black
Decoration: Printing on request
Parameter: 30,2 x 21 x 1 cm
material: paper
Color: white, blue, red
Decoration: Printing on request
Wire-o A4 notebook
Wire-o A4 notebook with hardcover and wire back. Includes 80 sheets (80 g / m2) of paper and black or white wire. Available in 3 sizes: A4, A5 and A6. Full color decoration available on the cover and on each sheet, front and back. Paper, nylon.
Types print / decor :: Offset printing
Parameter: 29,7 x 21,0 x 0,85 cm
material: paper, PP polypropylene, mix of materials
Color: white, black
Decoration: Printing on request
Wire-o A5 notepad
Wire-o A5 notepad with hardcover and wire back. Includes 80 sheets (80 g / m2) of paper and black or white wire. Available in 3 sizes: A4, A5 and A6. Full color decoration available on the cover and on each sheet, front and back. Paper, nylon.
Types print / decor :: Offset printing
Parameter: 21,0 x 14,8 x 0,85 cm
material: paper, mix of materials
Color: white, black
Decoration: Printing on request
combi (212400)
Set of leaflets and markers with soft plates Combi. The combination of self-adhesive sticky notes and Sticky-Mate® neon marker pens is a handy product and effective advertising tool. It contains 50 clean sheets (80 g / m2) of 100x75 mm self-adhesive sheets and 25 clean sheets (80 g / m2) of 50x75mm adhesive sheets. Includes 5 sets of 20 neon color markers. Plates (350g / m2) have digital printing with glossy or matte lamination. Paper.
Types of printing / decor :: Offset printing, Web offset
Parameter: 10,6 x 8 x 2 cm
material: paper
Color: white
Decoration: Printing on request
Guild A4 Document Case
Guild A4 Document Case. Guild A4 document holder Envelope (350 gsm) with business card holder. The decoration can be centered on the front cover and on the inside of the front cover. Paper.
Parameter: 7,4 x 10,5 x 1 cm
material: paper
Color: white
Decoration: Pad printing L, Pad printing S, Printing on request
- Dlhá životnosť materiálu a potlače
- Vode odolné, pružné
- Ručná post produkcia
- Ekologicky nezávadný materiál!
- Rôzne farby
- Ľubovoľný tvar!
Exkluzívne vizitky od Wold Design z ekologického PLA materiálu, ktorý je pružný, vode odolný a trvácny. Vaše vizitky môžu mať akýkoľvek tvar aj veľkosť!
Color: various colors
Video brochure (video booklet) - digital presentation of a new generation! This hi-tech presentation will certainly attract attention of your clients. LCD display integrated into a luxury presentation folder, which is printed with your design. After opening, the video files start to play in a loop, the files can also be started with individual buttons. The variant where individual buttons start the same video, but in different language versions is also popular. The sound is played from an integrated speaker or from headphones. Volume control buttons can be added. Excellent as a company or product presentation, effective invitation to events or an original PF. The videos can be played and replaced with other ones, the rechargeable battery enables long-term use of video brochures.
Capacity: 2.0 | 128MB, 2.0 | 256MB, 2.0 | 512MB, 2.0 | 1GB, 2.0 | 2GB, 2.0 | 4GB
Delivery terms: 4 - 5 weeks
material: paper
Color: custom
Video brochure (video booklet) - digital presentation of a new generation! This hi-tech presentation will certainly attract attention of your clients. LCD display integrated into a luxury presentation folder, which is printed with your design. After opening, the video files start to play in a loop, the files can also be started with individual buttons. The variant where individual buttons start the same video, but in different language versions is also popular. The sound is played from an integrated speaker or from headphones. Volume control buttons can be added. Excellent as a company or product presentation, effective invitation to events or an original PF. The videos can be played and replaced with other ones, the rechargeable battery enables long-term use of the video brochure (video booklet).
Capacity: 2.0 | 128MB, 2.0 | 256MB, 2.0 | 512MB, 2.0 | 1GB, 2.0 | 2GB, 2.0 | 4GB
Delivery terms: 4 - 5 weeks
material: paper
Color: custom
Video brochure (video booklet) - digital presentation of a new generation! This hi-tech presentation will certainly attract attention of your clients. LCD display integrated into a luxury presentation folder, which is printed with your design. After opening, the video files start to play in a loop, the files can also be started with individual buttons. The variant where individual buttons start the same video, but in different language versions is also popular. The sound is played from an integrated speaker or from headphones. Volume control buttons can be added. Excellent as a company or product presentation, effective invitation to events or an original PF. The videos can be played and replaced with other ones, the rechargeable battery enables long-term use of video brochures.
Capacity: 2.0 | 128MB, 2.0 | 256MB, 2.0 | 512MB, 2.0 | 1GB, 2.0 | 2GB, 2.0 | 4GB
Delivery terms: 4 - 5 weeks
material: paper
Color: custom
Video brochure (video booklet) - digital presentation of a new generation! This hi-tech presentation will certainly attract attention of your clients. LCD display integrated into a luxury presentation folder, which is printed with your design. After opening, the video files start to play in a loop, the files can also be started with individual buttons. The variant where individual buttons start the same video, but in different language versions is also popular. The sound is played from an integrated speaker or from headphones. Volume control buttons can be added. Excellent as a company or product presentation, effective invitation to events or an original PF. The videos can be played and replaced with other ones, the rechargeable battery enables long-term use of video brochures.
Capacity: 2.0 | 128MB, 2.0 | 256MB, 2.0 | 512MB, 2.0 | 1GB, 2.0 | 2GB, 2.0 | 4GB
Delivery terms: 4 - 5 weeks
material: paper
Color: custom
It is important to protect your privacy and this webcam security cover forms an important part in the process. This small plastic cover not only fulfils this objective, but it is also elegant and will give you a better feeling when you cover you webcam. When you need to use your webcam, you just need to slide its sliding part to the side. Order this original security cover supplied with a designed card, on which you can enter the name of your company or an ad. You can also use it as a practical and original business card.
Delivery terms: 3 - 4 weeks
material: Plastic, paper
Color: custom
The standard model contains 50 sheets of recycled paper with a grammage of 80 g/m2. Full colour printing is possible on all sheets. Available with different number of sheets: 25 sheets, 50 sheets and 100 sheets.
Parameter: 29,7 x 42 cm
material: paper, recycled paper
Color: white, various colors
Decoration: Printing on request
The standard model contains 50 sheets of recycled paper with a grammage of 80 g/m2. Full colour printing is possible on all sheets. Available with different number of sheets: 25 sheets, 50 sheets and 100 sheets.
Parameter: 42 x 59,4 cm
material: paper, recycled paper
Color: white, various colors
Decoration: Printing on request
A5 notebook with soft cover made of recycled paper containing coffee waste. Straight corners by default. Size 148x210mm (closed). 80 sheets, 80gsm recycled offset paper.
Bulk packed in boxes.
material: recycled paper, Coffee paper
Color: various colors