Sports polyacrylic

Sports polyacrylic buy in more colors eg neon yellow, Fuchsia, cobalt blue, in design universal, women's, children's, men's, in variant long sleeve, short sleeve. Available in sizes: XS-XXL. Delivery 2-10 days. Choose a gift to order, for example Bluetooth keyboard with wireless charger. Choose from the current menu.

Materiál polyacrylic ×

1 Found products
12 variants

596 EUR

Team Scarf

CC 28146X29599
Team Scarf - Reklamnepredmety
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3 days
Orders without print confirmed by us by 9:30 AM can be delivered within 3 working days

100% polyacrylic

, heavy knit yarn, tassels on each side, suitable for embroidery, size: 140x20cm

Brand: Result Headwear
Size: onesize
material: polyacrylic
Color: white, Fuchsia, green, blue, navy blue, red, black, royal blue, gold, yellow, violet
Decoration: Printing - Embroidery