Shopping bags Tiger Cotton® natural

Shopping bags Tiger Cotton® natural. You have several materials to choose from, for example twill cotton, fleece, bamboo. Choose a gift to order, for example Serving marble top with BANLI accessories. Choose from the current menu.

Značka Tiger Cotton® ×
Farba natural ×

2 Found products
2 variants

Ls 1000331376
Bavlnená taška Tiger - Reklamnepredmety Zoom product photo
5 days
Orders without print confirmed by us by 9:30 AM can be delivered within 5 working days

Fairtrade transitional cotton | Combed cotton | Fine linen | Long ears

Brand: Tiger Cotton®
Size: One Size
material: organic cotton
Color: natural, black
Decoration: Transfer, Screen printing - T-shirts - V, Screen printing - helles T-Shirt - L, Screen printing - dark T-Shirt - L, Digital transfer, Screen printing - white T-Shirt - K, Screen printing - color T-Shirt - K
Ls 1000345074
Cotton bag - Reklamnepredmety Zoom product photo
5 days
Orders without print confirmed by us by 9:30 AM can be delivered within 5 working days

100% Fairtrade certified combed cotton going organic | Twill weave | Long ears | No label | Supplied without decoration/contents.

Brand: Tiger Cotton®
Size: One Size, 38 x 42 cm
material: 100% cotton, organic cotton
Color: black, natural