Promotional bags light grey universal

Promotional bags light grey universal. You have several materials to choose from, for example jute, organic cotton, polypropylene. Available in sizes: XS-XXL. Choose a gift to order, for example Set whisky Devon. Choose from the current menu.

Farba light grey ×
Typ universal ×

1 Found products
1 variants

139 EUR


St 92902-123
WHARF. Bag - Reklamnepredmety Zoom product photo
5 days
Orders without print confirmed by us by 9:30 AM can be delivered within 5 working days

Cotton bag with 75 cm handles.
Print: Bag - Front (Textile Printing - 280 x 200)

material: 100% cotton
Color: pink, black, red, white, yellow, royal blue, green, light green, light grey, orange, navy blue
Decoration: Transfer, Screen printing - T-shirts - V, Printing - Embroidery, Screen printing - helles T-Shirt - L, Screen printing - dark T-Shirt - L, Digital transfer