- Calendars, diaries 2019
- Christmas
- Gifts
- In 3 days
- Items with full colour print - Be Creative
- Office
- Textile
- Work clothes and tools
- Electro, flash drives
- Household
- Leisure
- Promotional bags
- Printed matter and presentation materials
- Beverages
Advertising sweets
Honey gifts - Special events
- Pre deti
- Top Brands
- Advertising food
- Novinky
Maloobchod nerealizujeme
Maloobchodný predaj nerealizujeme a preto si pri objednávkach do 60€ účtujeme manipulačný poplatok.
Zvýhodnená cena dopravy
Dopravu realizujeme pomocou kuriéra. Cena dopravy sa odvíja od hmotnosti balíka. Viď tabuľka.
máme pre vás darček
Získajte darček vo forme poukážky do nákupného centra Avion, použitelný na úhradu Vášho nákupu.
- Advertising sweets
- Honey gifts
Honey gifts
Nechajte sa opantať vôňou a sladkou zmyselnosťou kolekcií darčekových medov
z cenami ocenenej včelárskej farmy!
Reklamné balíčky s medovými výrobkami ocení každý klient, obchodný partner či zamestnanec nielen počas chladných zimných večerov. Chutné medy, oriešky v mede, medové sviečky či medovina vo vkusných darčekových kazetách s vaším logom alebo reklamným textom nie je žiaden problém. Cenovo dostupné medové produkty si môžete nakombinovať aj sami.
Môžete si vybrať darčekové balenie podľa vášho vkusu: Drevená kazeta, kartónová kazeta či darčekové fľaše plné čistého medu alebo orieškov v mede.
*Všetky obrázky sú ilustračné. Výsledný produkt sa môže líšiť v závislosti od požiadaviek klienta a objednávky. Cenu vypočítavame individuálne na základe dopytu. Dodací termín je 14 dní od potvrdenia objednávky. Spýtajte sa nás>>
Výber z viacerých druhov darčekových balení
Medové darčeky patria medzi obľúbené druhy sladkej reklamy. Na rozdiel od bežných sladkostí ako sú cukríky, keksy a podobne, im nechýba istá dávka elegancie a všeobecne sú medové darčeky v darčekových kazetách vnímané ako hodnotný, exkluzívny darček a najmä osobný a zdravý darček.
Ecological certificates
This filter is made up of ecological certificates given by the product manufacturer.
List of ecological certificates given by the manufacturer:
- Better Cotton
- Green Button
- Prevented Ocean Plastic
- Green Passport
- ecovadis
- ISO 14001:2015
- ISO 9001:2015
- RoHS
- Food Safety
- RCS 100
- PVC free
- PFC free
- V-label
- OEKO-TEX 100
- Fairtrade
- Green Brands
- Aware™
Ecological parameters
This filter is made of ecological parameters that our products contain from the manufacturer.
- Recycled material: includes all products that are made from recycled material such as: GRS - certified recycled polyester, material from recycled PET bottles, recycled cotton, recycled leather, recycled cardboard, recycled steel, recycled PET, recycled glass, recycled ABS, recycled denim , recycled HIPS plastic, recycled aluminum, recycled cardboard, recycled nylon, recycled paper, recycled plastic, recycled polyacrylic, recycled polycarbonate (PC), recycled polyurethane (PU), recycled TPE, recycled TPU, recycled material, RPET - recycled polyester, RPP - recycled polypropylene
- Produkty s transparentnou stopou co2:Výrobca týchto produktov sa zaväzuje k transparentnosti v oblasti výpočtu uhlíkovej stopy produktov, ktoré vyrába a predáva. Výpočty emisií CO2 sú založené na životnom cykle produktu, od ťažby surovín až po koniec životnosti. Emisie sú podrobne rozdelené podľa fáz, ako sú výroba, balenie, doprava, energetické využitie a likvidácia. Výpočty sú v súlade so štandardmi ISO 14067:2018 a ISO 14071:2014 a boli overené spoločnosťou Bureau Veritas. Uhlíková stopa sa môže meniť na základe nových informácií a výskumov.
- Products with water saving during production: Products from this collection show a reduction in water consumption compared to a standard product. The main factor behind this reduction is the use of recycled materials. Water is used the most during wet processes (such as dyeing), in the use of chemicals, electricity generation, fuels (for transport and heat generation) and in agriculture. Products from the AWARE™ collection use the AWARE™ tracer tracking technology, which guarantees the authenticity of recycled materials and a confirmed reduction in water consumption. This verification is made possible by physical tracking devices along with blockchain technology.
Bestsellers Honey gifts
Sada orieškov v mede v kartóniku
Set of nuts in honey with mead in a finely varnished box
Set of 3 types of honey in a carton
Sada 2xmed a medovina 0,5l v kartóne z mikrovlny
Set of 3 honeys in antique columns
Set of 3 types of dried fruits in honey in a stand
Set of 3 types of nuts in honey in a rack
Set of nuts in honey with mead and a candle in a wooden bucket
Set of 3 types of nuts in honey in a carton
Honey and mead in a hexagonal carton
Sada orieškov v mede v kartóniku
Sada 2 medov v kartoniku
Type of honey: agate
honeydew - nuts with honeycomb honey are the most delicious
floral - crystallizes quickly
Mead volume: 0.18 l
Dimensions: 221x190x105
Honey weight: 2x130g
material: wood, glass, honey
Color: various colors
Decoration: Printing on request
Vrtuľka 130
Set of 3 types of honey in a carton
Types of honey: agate
Dimensions: 185x65x115
Honey weight: 3x130g
Color: natural brown
Choose the types of honey and we will prepare them for you together in a carton.
material: carton
Color: brown
Decoration: Printing on request
Set of 3 honeys in antique columns
Types of honey: agate
Dimensions: 60x60x175
Honey weight: 3x60g
Choose honey and we will prepare it for you in the column.
material: wood, glass, honey
Color: various colors
Decoration: Printing on request
dried pineapple
dried cherries
Type of honey: agate - best suited for fruit
floral - crystallizes quickly
Dimensions: 230x60x95
Honey weight: 3x130g
Choose the type of fruit, the type of honey and together we will prepare it for you in a stand.
material: wood, glass
Color: unspecified
Decoration: Printing on request
Type of nuts: walnuts, almonds, cashews, hazelnuts
Type of honey: agate
honeydew - nuts with honeycomb honey are the most delicious
floral - crystallizes quickly
Honey weight: 3x130g
Dimensions: 230x60x95
Choose the type of nuts, the type of honey and we will prepare the product for you.
material: wood, glass
Color: unspecified
Decoration: Printing on request
Type of nuts: walnuts, almonds, cashews, hazelnuts
Types of honey: agate
Candle: natural, honeycomb
Honey weight: 130g
Mead volume: 0.18 l
Dimensions: 235x160x148
Choose the type of nuts, the type of honey and together with the candle and mead we will wrap it in a bucket.
material: wood, glass
Color: unspecified
Decoration: Printing on request
Type of honey: agate
honeydew - nuts with honeycomb honey are the most delicious
floral - crystallizes quickly
Type of nuts: walnuts, almonds, cashews, almonds, hazelnuts
Dimensions: 185x65x115
Honey weight: 3x130g
Color: brown natural
Choose the type of honey, the type of nuts and we will prepare them for you together in a carton.
material: carton
Color: brown
Decoration: Printing on request
Honey and mead in a hexagonal carton
Type of honey: agate
Dimensions: 240x210x60
Honey weight: 210g
Mead: 0.18l
Color: natural brown
Choose the type of honey and together with the mead we will pack it in a carton.
material: glass, carton, honey
Color: various colors
Decoration: Printing on request