Honey gifts

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z cenami ocenenej včelárskej farmy!

Reklamné balíčky s medovými výrobkami ocení každý klient, obchodný partner či zamestnanec nielen počas chladných zimných večerov. Chutné medy, oriešky v mede, medové sviečky či medovina vo vkusných darčekových kazetách s vaším logom alebo reklamným textom nie je žiaden problém. Cenovo dostupné medové produkty si môžete nakombinovať aj sami.

Medové darčeky
Medové darčeky

Môžete si vybrať darčekové balenie podľa vášho vkusu: Drevená kazeta, kartónová kazeta či darčekové fľaše plné čistého medu alebo orieškov v mede.
*Všetky obrázky sú ilustračné. Výsledný produkt sa môže líšiť v závislosti od požiadaviek klienta a objednávky. Cenu vypočítavame individuálne na základe dopytu. Dodací termín je 14 dní od potvrdenia objednávky. Spýtajte sa nás>> 


Výber z viacerých druhov darčekových balení

Medové darčeky patria medzi obľúbené druhy sladkej reklamy. Na rozdiel od bežných sladkostí ako sú cukríky, keksy a podobne, im nechýba istá dávka elegancie a všeobecne sú medové darčeky v darčekových kazetách vnímané ako hodnotný, exkluzívny darček a najmä osobný a zdravý darček. 

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104 Found products
106 variants

Set of nuts in honey with mead in a finely varnished box

Type of nuts: walnuts, almonds, cashews, hazelnuts

Type of honey: agate

honeydew - nuts with honeycomb honey are the most delicious


floral - crystallizes quickly

Mead volume: 0.18 l

Dimensions: 221x190x105

Honey weight: 2x130g
Parameter: 221x190x105 mm
material: wood, glass, honey
Color: various colors
Decoration: Printing on request
Sada orieškov v mede v kartóniku

Parameter: 125 x 65 x 110
material: glass, carton, honey
Color: unspecified
Decoration: Printing on request
Set of 3 honeys in antique columns

Types of honey: agate





Dimensions: 60x60x175
Honey weight: 3x60g

Choose honey and we will prepare it for you in the column.

Parameter: 190 x 190 x 75
material: wood, glass, honey
Color: various colors
Decoration: Printing on request
Sada 2xmed a medovina 0,5l v kartóne z mikrovlny

Parameter: 345 x 245 x 115mm
material: glass, carton, honey
Color: unspecified
Decoration: Printing on request
Vrtuľka 130

material: glass, cardboard, honey
Color: unspecified
Decoration: Printing on request
Set of 3 types of honey in a carton

Types of honey: agate





Dimensions: 185x65x115

Honey weight: 3x130g

Color: natural brown

Choose the types of honey and we will prepare them for you together in a carton.

Parameter: 185x65x115 mm
material: carton
Color: brown
Decoration: Printing on request
Set of nuts in honey with mead and a candle in a wooden bucket

Type of nuts: walnuts, almonds, cashews, hazelnuts

Types of honey: agate





Candle: natural, honeycomb

Honey weight: 130g

Mead volume: 0.18 l

Dimensions: 235x160x148

Choose the type of nuts, the type of honey and together with the candle and mead we will wrap it in a bucket.

Parameter:  235x160x148mm
material: wood, glass
Color: unspecified
Decoration: Printing on request
Set of 3 types of dried fruits in honey in a stand

Type of fruit: dried cranberries

dried pineapple

dried cherries

Type of honey: agate - best suited for fruit

floral - crystallizes quickly

Dimensions: 230x60x95

Honey weight: 3x130g

Choose the type of fruit, the type of honey and together we will prepare it for you in a stand.
Parameter: 230x60x95mm
material: wood, glass
Color: unspecified
Decoration: Printing on request
Set of 3 types of nuts in honey in a rack

Type of nuts: walnuts, almonds, cashews, hazelnuts

Type of honey: agate

honeydew - nuts with honeycomb honey are the most delicious


floral - crystallizes quickly

Honey weight: 3x130g

Dimensions: 230x60x95

Choose the type of nuts, the type of honey and we will prepare the product for you.

Parameter: 230 x 60 x 95mm
material: wood, glass
Color: unspecified
Decoration: Printing on request
Sada 5 medov v kartóne z mikrovlny

Parameter: 190 x 155 x 50mm
material: glass, carton, honey
Color: unspecified
Decoration: Printing on request
Set of dried fruits in honey with mead and a candle in a finely varnished box

Type of fruit: dried cranberries

dried pineapple

dried cherries

Type of honey: agate - best suited for fruit

floral - crystallizes quickly

Mead volume: 0.18 l

Candle: natural, honeycomb

Dimensions: 221x190x105

Honey weight: 130g

Choose the type of fruit, the type of honey and we will prepare them for you together with the mead and a candle in a box.
Parameter: 221x190x105
material: wood, glass, wax, honey
Color: various colors
Decoration: Printing on request
Set of 3 types of nuts in honey in a horizontal stand

Types of nuts: walnuts, almonds, cashews, hazelnuts

Types of honey: agate - nuts stand out the most in agate honey.



honeydew - nuts are the most delicious in honeydew honey

Dimensions: 190x75x115

Honey weight: 3x130g

Choose the type of nuts, the type of honey and we will prepare them for you in a stand.
Parameter: 190x75x115 mm
material: wood, glass, honey
Color: various colors
Decoration: Printing on request
Sada med, brusnice v mede, medovina, tokajské víno v krabici z vlnitej lepenky

Parameter: 245 x 235 x 90mm
material: glass, carton, honey
Color: unspecified
Decoration: Printing on request
Sada 2xmed, medovina, tokajské víno v krabici z vlnitej lepenky

Parameter: 245 x 235 x 90mm
material: glass, carton, honey
Color: unspecified
Decoration: Printing on request
Kešu, vlašské orechy a  mandle v lesnom ihličnatom mede v kartóniku

Parameter: 80 x 95 x 300
material: glass, carton, honey, nut
Color: unspecified
Decoration: Printing on request
Sada med, oriešky a sušené ovocie v mede s medovkou v krabici z vlnitej lepenky

Parameter: 220 x 130 x 73 mm
material: wood, glass, carton, honey
Color: unspecified
Decoration: Printing on request
Sada sušeného ovocia v mede s medovkou v krabici z vlnitej lepenky

Parameter: 220 x 130 x 73 mm
material: wood, glass, carton, honey
Color: unspecified
Decoration: Printing on request
Sada orieškov v mede s medovkou v krabici z vlnitej lepenky

Parameter: 220 x 130 x 73 mm
material: wood, glass, carton, honey
Color: unspecified
Decoration: Printing on request
Sada  med so sviečkou a medovinou v krabici z vlnitej lepenky

Parameter: 220 x 130 x 73 mm
material: glass, carton, wax, honey
Color: unspecified
Decoration: Printing on request
Sada 3 medov s medovkou v krabici z vlnitej lepenky

Parameter: 220 x 130 x 73 mm
material: wood, glass, carton, honey
Color: unspecified
Decoration: Printing on request
Sada med, oriešky v mede a medovina v kartóne z mikrovlny

Parameter: 220 x 150 x 72mm
material: glass, carton, honey
Color: unspecified
Decoration: Printing on request
Sada med a medovina 0,18l v kartóne z mikrovlny

Parameter: 75 x 75 x 270 mm
material: glass, carton, honey
Color: unspecified
Decoration: Printing on request
Agate honey

Agate honey in gift bottles.

material: glass
Color: various colors
Decoration: Printing on request
Agátový med

material: glass, honey
Color: unspecified
Decoration: Printing on request