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Golf - Promotional bags
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Maloobchod nerealizujeme
Maloobchodný predaj nerealizujeme a preto si pri objednávkach do 60€ účtujeme manipulačný poplatok.
Zvýhodnená cena dopravy
Dopravu realizujeme pomocou kuriéra. Cena dopravy sa odvíja od hmotnosti balíka. Viď tabuľka.
máme pre vás darček
Získajte darček vo forme poukážky do nákupného centra Avion, použitelný na úhradu Vášho nákupu.
Ecological certificates
This filter is made up of ecological certificates given by the product manufacturer.
List of ecological certificates given by the manufacturer:
- Better Cotton
- Green Button
- Prevented Ocean Plastic
- Green Passport
- ecovadis
- ISO 14001:2015
- ISO 9001:2015
- RoHS
- Food Safety
- RCS 100
- PVC free
- PFC free
- V-label
- OEKO-TEX 100
- Fairtrade
- Green Brands
- Aware™
Ecological parameters
This filter is made of ecological parameters that our products contain from the manufacturer.
- Recycled material: includes all products that are made from recycled material such as: GRS - certified recycled polyester, material from recycled PET bottles, recycled cotton, recycled leather, recycled cardboard, recycled steel, recycled PET, recycled glass, recycled ABS, recycled denim , recycled HIPS plastic, recycled aluminum, recycled cardboard, recycled nylon, recycled paper, recycled plastic, recycled polyacrylic, recycled polycarbonate (PC), recycled polyurethane (PU), recycled TPE, recycled TPU, recycled material, RPET - recycled polyester, RPP - recycled polypropylene
- Produkty s transparentnou stopou co2:Výrobca týchto produktov sa zaväzuje k transparentnosti v oblasti výpočtu uhlíkovej stopy produktov, ktoré vyrába a predáva. Výpočty emisií CO2 sú založené na životnom cykle produktu, od ťažby surovín až po koniec životnosti. Emisie sú podrobne rozdelené podľa fáz, ako sú výroba, balenie, doprava, energetické využitie a likvidácia. Výpočty sú v súlade so štandardmi ISO 14067:2018 a ISO 14071:2014 a boli overené spoločnosťou Bureau Veritas. Uhlíková stopa sa môže meniť na základe nových informácií a výskumov.
- Products with water saving during production: Products from this collection show a reduction in water consumption compared to a standard product. The main factor behind this reduction is the use of recycled materials. Water is used the most during wet processes (such as dyeing), in the use of chemicals, electricity generation, fuels (for transport and heat generation) and in agriculture. Products from the AWARE™ collection use the AWARE™ tracer tracking technology, which guarantees the authenticity of recycled materials and a confirmed reduction in water consumption. This verification is made possible by physical tracking devices along with blockchain technology.
Bestsellers Golf
Golf balls
Put golf game
Hese golf ball case
golfový uterák so sublimáciou
Bavlnený golfový uterák HITOWGO
Golfové bambusové vypichovátko BOGEY
Golf balls Hilzhofen
Office golf set
Sada golfového príslušenstva DORMIE
Nessa golf ball
Golfový RPET uterák s háčikom TOWGO
Uterák golfový PRINT-Me®
Golf towel (1512)
Golf balls
Set of 3. For golfers who want to play their best score! The golf balls have a soft feel, high flight, outstanding length and first-class controllability. Suitable for full color printing.
Parameter: 13,5 × 4,5 × 4,5 cm
material: unspecified
Color: white
Put golf game
Vreckový nôž obsahuje: 1. uzatváracia čepeľ 2. nožnice 3. vypichovátko 4. markovátko 5. nástroj na hĺbenie dier pre tíčka s 6. - čističom drážok palíc 7. - otvárakom na fľaše 8. - pilníkom na nechty 9. pinzeta 10. špáradlo
material: metal
Color: black, red, blue
Decoration: Pad printing L, Laser engraving, Pad printing S, Laser engraving - L
Hese golf ball case
golfový uterák so sublimáciou
Obojstranný golfový uterák s kovovým vešiakom a sublimačnou potlačou na jednej strane. 100% bavlna + 100% mikrovlákno, 400 g/m2. Cena vrátane sublimačnej tlače, nezahŕňa tlačovú prípravu. Min. mn.: 50 ks.
material: metal, cotton, microfibre
Color: white
Bavlnený golfový uterák HITOWGO
Cotton golf towel with a copper hole and a ring on the top that can be used to hang on a golf bag. Weight 350 gr/m2. Towel size: 40x60 cm. Use this golf towel to dry golf balls, clubs or hands. Improve grip by wiping your equipment dry and keep them in perfect condition.
Color: black
Decoration: Printing - Embroidery
Bamboo golf aid for divots. Keep the green in perfect condition with this divot tool made of bamboo. Easily remove and hide ball marks on the green with this tool. Bamboo is a natural material, slight variations in color and size may occur with each individual piece which may affect the final appearance of the print.
material: bamboo
Color: wood
Decoration: Pad printing L, Laser engraving, Pad printing S, Laser engraving - L
Golf balls Hilzhofen
Office golf set
material: wood
Color: black
Decoration: Pad printing L, Laser engraving, Pad printing S, Laser engraving - L
Golf set made of bamboo. This gift is sure to be a goal in the black for the golf enthusiast. This set includes six golf tees, one piece of golf divot tool and two wooden golf ball markers. Everything is presented in an organic cotton drawstring bag. The sustainable materials used to make these accessories make them a much better alternative than traditional plastic ones. Bamboo is a natural material, with each individual piece there may be slight variations in colour and size which may affect the final print.
material: bamboo, mix of materials
Color: beige
Decoration: Pad printing L, Pad printing S
Golfový uterák s plnofarebnou potlačou vyrobený z polyesteru (50 %) a bavlny (50 %) s kovovým očkom a karabínkou.
Predná velúrová polyesterová strana uteráka je potlačená plnofarebne a má jemnú textúru. Zadná strana uteráka je biela froté bavlna pre maximálnu savosť.
Jednotlivo balené.
Vzhľadom k tomu, že uteráky sú tlačené digitálne, konečné farby tlače sa môžu líšiť až o 15% vo farbe a odtieňoch od originálnej dodanej grafiky.
Minimálny odber 100 kusov.
Ďalšie možnosti za príplatok:
- 2 farebný tkaný štítok (zložený: 10x5cm)
Pre rôzne veľkosti, gramáže, iné možnosti alebo otázky kontaktujte obchodného zástupcu.
material: PES (Polyester), cotton
Color: various colors
TaylorMade Distance+ Golf Ball
Callaway Warbird 2023
Callaway Chrome Soft X LS 2022 White
Titleist Pro V1 2023
Wilson Boost White Golf Balls
Titleist Pro V1x 2023
Callaway Chrome Soft X 2022 White
Callaway Supersoft 2023 White
Callaway Chrome Soft 2022
Full colour printed Golf Towels made from 100% RPET (280gsm). The towel Includes a built-in grommet and hook for hanging the towels to a bag or other gear.
material: RPET - recycled polyester
Color: various colors
Decoration: Printing - sublimation