Moleskine Passion Recipe Journal - hard boards L
Varianty produktu Moleskine Passion Recipe Journal - hard boards L

Product description Moleskine Passion Recipe Journal - hard boards L
Notebook for recording recipes.
A notebook with a firm binding sewn in the back in cardboard boards with embossed decoration. It is surrounded by a flexible rubber band against spontaneous opening. The notebook is equipped with 2 textile bookmarks, a double inner pocket, colorful stickers and a leaflet with the history of MOLESKINE. The notebook is divided into thematic sections using bookmarks. The notebook is divided into 6 thematic sections with a specific page layout (appetizers, first courses, main dishes, side dishes, desserts, cocktails), contains information for proper cooking (food calendar, nutritional values, types of pans, cooking methods, meat temperatures, conversion of units etc.) even blank pages
Paper weight 70 g/m2, does not contain acids.
size: 13 X 21 cm, 200 sheets
The notebook is in English.
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Brand Moleskine

The shades displayed on the monitor may differ from the actual ones. Their fidelity is realistic and much depends on the monitor, calibration, ambient lighting, background material, etc.
Coated |
Uncoated |
Coated - Painted
Used when printing on coated paper, or non-absorbent or less absorbent materials. These are chalk papers, plastics, metal, etc.
Uncoated - Unpainted
Used when printing on uncoated paper or absorbent materials. Such as office papers, paperboards, cardboards, etc.